Saturday, January 8, 2011

this is a stop motion about our theme. 
after we've done the 50 sketches, Mr radzi asked us to draw something that can combine all the 50 sketches. 
and this is the outcome.

50 sketches

this is our design concept and our random object is 
this is the 50 sketches that we've done

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Task 5: Fatal Sign

For this week task,mr Radzi ask us to create a scary object that will make people and every living things scare to death, using KITTEN! 

I think its scary for me     =D

Task 4: Analogy Poem


my face will turn red like chili        
everytime you're around me,
the way u say i love u,
make my heart beat fast,
make my tongue feel numb.


life is like a candle
cherish the moment
before it reaches the end          
life is short,
dont regret it


ice cream maybe look cute
but beware!
it can cause pain
maybe first we enjoy the moment                
but in the end
we didn't realise the pain that coming


swap away
swap-swap and swap again

thats what we call credit card
until the bill came to the door,               
then u know the meaning of life
and start to regret.
its too late


ticking fast,
clock on the wall,                                 
be happy.
make other happy
before the clock stop ticking again


you the mortar and i'm the pestle
together we complete each other
love each other
fight each other
but in the end,we still be together,no matter what happen

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Task 3 : How Merges Go Wrong

Well, this week was quite the interesting one. We were asked to combine two types of animals, which should they be together, there's no chance to survive.Thus i decided to choose cat and chicken.

my sketch of combining raabit and chicken

This are my final result of combining rabbit and chicken

Lesson 5 : Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is placing two kinds of variables in order to compare them so that our brain can relate both of them to make something familiar to unfamiliar or vice versa.

Metaphor is when two different things that are linked by some similarity in imaginative ways and doesn't use the word 'like'/'as' as their link.

Simile is almost the same with metaphor but using the 'like'/'as' words as their link.
Affective uses the emotional relationship between two variables.

Logical uses the similarities in terms of design, function or structure to connect back to the subject.

Here is brief of activity in class, we were ask to pick 3 pairs of number from 1 to 99.
I chose the numbers, 19, 14, and 23.
We were then asked to pair this words below according to the numbers we've chose.

1. FLOWER                                          0. HEAD

2. LIGHTNING                                     9. RAIN
3. ICE                                                    8. WOOD
4. LIGHT                                               7. TREE
5. FIRE                                                  6. SPIDER
6. DUCK                                               5. ROOT
7. DOG                                                  4. MOUNTAIN
8. OIL                                                    3. WIND
9. LEAVE                                              2. ROCK
0. FLY                                                   1. WATER

19 : Flower Rain
14 : Flower Mountain
23 : Lightning Wind

Then, construct a sentence from each of the paired words.
1. The flower was showered with rain.
2. A flower is on top of the highest peak of the mountain.
3. It was a crazy storm as the winds blew heavily and lightning were dancing.

Based on that sentence, we were then to illustrate it.

71 = dogwater
54 = firemountain
09 = flyrain

Then, make a sentence from each of the paired words.

1) The dog is drink the water.
2) We saw fire on the peak of the mountain.
3) The fly is almost killed because of the heavy rain.

And the last steps will be illustrating a subject only by using the combined words. At the moment when the user looked at it, they will pronounce the combined random words spontaneously.

